AO of the year

ESB is looking for patrons to help reach more learners facing disadvantage

ESB International is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year and to mark the occasion it is looking to bring on board new Patrons to strengthen the organisation.

The organisation has approached a number of individuals who staff feel would contribute positively to ESB’s Outreach Campaign, an important part of its ethos.

The outreach work financially supports organisations and groups whose learners face disadvantage due to poverty, migrant or asylum seeker status, or special educational needs and disabilities.

The new patrons will play a crucial role in raising our profile to attract more organisations to access ESB’s Ofqual-accredited confidence-boosting English language and Oracy qualifications.

ESB’s Chief Executive, Tina Renshaw says:

We are delighted to be seeking new patrons to help us to expand our financial reach to even more disadvantaged groups. Our staff have nominated individuals whom they admire and who demonstrate and champion Oracy or English as an additional language and have a personal or professional connection to the causes of disadvantage that most impact on the development of these skills.

To learn more about ESB’s incredible work and this exciting initiative, please watch the video below.

Tina adds:

We would like our new patrons to raise our profile and so help us attract donors and philanthropists to grow what we do with our outreach programme.

Since 2020, we have committed £45,000 to support our organisations and we continue to focus on, and support, the areas of most disadvantage. In 2023, we will have committed £30,000 in one year.

We would like to do more, and so our patrons will help us have a bigger profile which we believe will help us secure external funding to double the scale of this work.

ESB is excited to welcome new patrons on its journey to help close the disadvantage gap and to be part of its inspiring story.

If you are interested in speaking to our team about our Oracy and/or English language qualifications or if your centre qualifies for financial support through our Outreach Programme, we would love to hear from you. Please email or call 01695 573439 extension 201.
