Qualification News

Funding Information
The Department for Education (DfE) has recently carried out an exercise to streamline the number of qualifications available for government funding. This is to confirm that, from 1st August 2022, the following English Speaking Board (International) Ltd (ESB International) qualifications will no longer be available for government funding: ESB Entry Level Award in Introducing Oral…

ESB introduces digital sound files in response to feedback from its ESOL Skills for Life Centres
ESB is giving centres the option for their assessor to use digital sound files in their ESOL Skills for Life Speaking and Listening assessments. From January 2022, ESB assessors will be able to play audio files for the Listening Task from a centre’s classroom computer. These digital sound files are merely an alternative – not…

Qualification Withdrawal Notice for Centres
Dear Centres, Further to a review of our product portfolio, the following qualifications will be withdrawn on 30th September 2022: ESB Level 1 Award in Oral Skills for School Interviews 600/4426/3 ESB Level 1 Award in Using Oral Skills for Interviews 501/1144/9 ESB Level 2 Award in Using Oral Skills for Interviews 501/1280/6 These qualifications…

Update to UK centres regarding remote and face-to-face assessment for the rest of the academic year
Dear Centres, On March 29th, I wrote to you with an update regarding assessments for UK-based ESOL Skills for Life and Speech qualifications. We have been monitoring the situations both in England and Wales and it was our hope that we would be able to return to 100% face-to-face assessments following the June half-term. However, as…