AO of the year

How to contact us

Let’s talk! We’re here to help!

An icon of a phone to accompany our contact information.

We are open during weekdays from 9am – 5pm.  Please select the team you wish to speak to by dialling 01695 573439 and enter the extension number of the team you would like to speak to.

Where to find us…

An icon of a location pin to accompany our address.

English Speaking Board (International) Ltd.
9 Hattersley Court, Burscough Road
L39 2AY

Business Strategy

Icon of a briefcase to represent the Business Strategy Team
  • You are interested in starting ESB qualifications at your centre.
  • You are based inside of the UK and would like to work with us.
  • You are based outside of the UK and would like to work with us.
  • You would like to know more about funding for our qualifications.
  • Complete the accompanying form if you are interested in your learners taking our qualifications.

01695 573439
Option 1

Customer Experience

Icon of a chat bubble within a headset to represent the Customer Experience Team
  • You have a question about a booking.
  • You would like to know more about the My ESB booking hub.
  • You would like to speak about your upcoming assessment(s).
  • Complete the accompanying form if you require assistance with a new or existing assessment booking.

01695 573439
Option 2

Product Development

Icon of gears turning to represent the Product Development Team.
  • You would like to know more about a qualification.
  • You need to know more about Reasonable Adjustments.
  • You would like to ask a question about our teaching resources.
  • You would like to know more about remote assessments.

01695 573439
Option 4

External Engagement

Icon of a newspaper on a computer screen to represent the External Engagement Team.
  • You would like to donate to ESB’s Outreach Campaign.
  • You would like to know more about our charitable activities.
  • You would like to be a part of ESB’s Outreach Campaign.

01695 573439
Ext. 215

Quality Assurance

Icon of a magnifying glass over a checklist to represent the Quality Assurance Team.
  • You would like to raise a conflict of interest.
  • You would like to apply for a special consideration for a learner.
  • You would like to ask us about our policies and procedures.
  • You would like to discuss an incident that occurred during an assessment.

01695 573439
ext. 221


Icon of a calculator to represent the Finance Team.
  • You have a query about an invoice.
  • You are a supplier or third-party of ESB International.

01685 573439
option 3

Useful links

You are interested in offering Speech assessments

You are interested in offering Skills for Life assessments

You are interested in offering ESOL International assessments

Find a qualification

Find our teaching resources

Discover our funding options

In this section