AO of the year

Responding to your feedback!

A new feature in ‘MyESBHub’ is now live

ESB has launched a new feature in its ‘MyESB Hub’ to make it easier for centres to collate learners’ results and data. Centres are now able to view their learners’ composite results for all qualifications in their ‘MyESBHub’.

How to download a new master report from your ‘MyESBHub’?

  1. On the ‘Bookings and Quotes’ page, please click the blue ‘Master Exam Report’ button.
  2. You can then filter by qualification and date range to download an Excel spreadsheet with learner names, qualifications, levels and results.

Says Tina, “We are so pleased to launch this new feature which will improve the ‘MyESB Hub’ experience for all our centres. Positive feedback has already been received from centres who have tested it and they are pleased with the outcome.

“ESB is always looking at ways to improve its service for its centres and this new feature does exactly that.”

Development of ESOL SfL Reading and Writing Reports

Our ESOL Skills for Life centres have requested individual feedback for their learners’ Reading and Writing results, so they can view what Assessment Criteria their unsuccessful learners have not achieved.

Says ESB’s Product Development Manager, Anthea Wilson, “We are working on this to go live in the next academic year. We know how valuable it will be for learners to be able to see their strengths and weaknesses and how to progress, and are looking forward to supporting our centres with this new feature.”
